What if you could have a 2500 sf modern home arrive on flatbed trucks, assembled in two months and be drinking wine on your new deck? OK.. I exagerate a little but not by much. Anyone who has read my newsletter views on our future dwelling and building options will know of my excitement concerning the modern prefabrication movement. With the rise in economic cost (and scarcity) of land, we designers and builders are seeking new alternatives to the standard building experience/nightmare. Technology does allow for offsite fabrication and precision while keeping production costs to a set level. Think about it... less PortaPottys and less radios blasting Freebird. Because the green building movement and LEED have been addressing the products which are included in modern style homes and commercial sites (non-VOC sheetgood plywoods, steel, glass, open space planning etc), the living quality and architectural possibilities are growing exponentially.
There are numerous stars out there such as Michelle Kaufmann with her wonderful Glidehouse homes and Dwell Magazine which has jumped into the action with The Dwell Home. This seems to be their venture with several designers who are aligned with Empyrean International LLC, a building manufacturer in Acton, MA. The designers, such as Joel Turkel with Nexthouse and Resolution: 4 Architecture, have created great shapes to address changing building needs. As people desire healthier, cost effective homes and become more saavy with the great alternative products that are quickly being marketed their way, this is the start of something exciting.