The challenge of not blogging constantly is that the Event Tsunami rolls on. Given the demands of paddling my current Economically Melted Canoe upstream, I am still trying to make sense of all the unfolding drama. Elections, sourcing sustainable material, choices of building projects, wanting to expatriate... where is Rachel Maddow when I need her?
Even in my weird, insulated corner of reality, the Bush years are coming home to roost for the multi-money-aires. Some residential projects, already a year in process, are shutting down "till after the election". We're talking tens of millions of dollars here. We local craftspersons are shuffling to stay afloat. Foreclosures for the average Joe (not Joe The Plumber) are off the charts in CA. I guess its not too bad for Chuck Schwab and his new house just breaking ground (number 13 ??) of 50,000 SF in Woodside, CA.
I'm thinking about my terroirist compatriot, Alice Feiring, who is currently stomping (literally) her own grapes over at Pelligrini Vineyards in Sonoma County. This NY writer, who has tweaked the noses of the wine world with her current book The Battle For Wine and Love or How I Saved The World From Parkerization, created an opportunity to walk the talk. Follow her adventures on her NY Times blog.
At the risk of oversimplfying deeper issues, right now it sounds great to take your clothes off and push your own grapes into the bottle. Speaking of getting naked, now's the time to book The Stone Room at Tassajara for the Spring. Before this country gets even more fired up, go sit some zazen, be nourished with great food and stick your tired ass in the river for awhile.